lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

I was watching Blades of Glory the other night with my room mates and one of them pointed out how similar Jon Heder looked in comparison to my coworker, Juan. Especially in that movie. I mean, Juan has brown hair and green eyes instead, but I confronted him about it and he told me that it wasn't the first time someone had told him that. I got to wondering how I would feel if someone compared me to Jon Heder. I guess being compared to any kind of celebrity is always interesting, though one time I told someone that they looked like Morrison from The Doors and they got really depressed about it because they didn't think he was that great looking. But anyway, back to Juan. I just got the sudden urge to point out this guy's great qualities. He's one of the nicest and most polite men I have ever known. He sticks to the old fashioned way of life and he has style, intelligence and a great sense of humor. I kind of want to be more like him in a way. His way of living is admirable and I think he attracts more people because of it. Though, I got to admit, it does get really annoying when all the girls start acting like completely different people around him. Around me, they act all normal, and then Juan comes out of nowhere looking like a Brazilian and BAM they turn all giddy, like they have just been shot with Cupid's arrow or something of that sort. I am not jealous though, why would I be? I just get annoyed with the fact that people have to act differently around certain people. Why can't we just be the same? I mean, I understand that there are times when you have to be more serious and that there are people who know you better than others, but drastic changes in behavior really bring me down sometime. Not down as in making me depressed, but down as in making me think too much about the situation. Sometimes I tire myself out from my own thoughts, I don't know what to do with myself half the time.

Andres at 13:12 |


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At 29 de noviembre de 2010, 18:41, Blogger Chou-Chou said........
I really wanna meet this Juan. owo He sounds real nice -w-

And I understand what you mean about people acting different. Its like, "Why can't you be more like that around me?" But sometimes people feel more comfortable around certain other people, ya know?