sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Like my shoes?

If it's not one thing it's a fuckinnother. I don't know what I came down with, but it all started on Sunday night when I went to bed feeling nauseous. I woke up the next morning to go to school and I was feeling even more nauseous. I have felt that way before and it has gone away, so I didn't really think much of it. However, as the day progressed, my stomach started hurting VERY very bad. It was hurting me so bad that I couldn't even sit up anymore, and I could barely even stand! I thought that maybe I was too hungry, but even after I ate, it was still horrible, and then a few hours after I had eaten dinner, I came down with a fever. The fever lasted me for about 3 days in a row, the highest reaching 103 degrees. I went to the doctor, but she didn't really tell me anything. She just told me it was food poisoning, but I haven't been vomiting or anything. I just had really bad diarrhea and I was out of work for nearly a whole week.

I managed to go yesterday because I thought I was feeling fine, but then lo and behold, It all fuckin came back to me again. It was horrible, I thought I was going to die, and it's hard to talk about this with people because I don't like sounding like some stupid, fuckin whiny ass bitch who gets sick all the time and can't even be a man about it and go to work like a normal fuckin human being. SHIT. I don't even know where to begin with my frustrations with myself at the moment, all I know is me being stressed isn't helping the problem either. I have this stupid fuckin math test on Monday and I have to do this test for Psychology over the weekend, but whenever I try to read the textbook, my mind gets all befuddled and the words turn into MUSH.

I love my best friend.
there. that's something positive.

Andres at 14:15 |


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At 17 de octubre de 2010, 7:59, Blogger Sharifah said........
Let me tell you something- that sounds a lot like a description of someone getting a bad case of jealousy on you. I've been led to believe that in my place, that if you get sudden stomachaches and unnaturally high fevers, someone somewhere hates you. And they're sabotaging you somehow.

For now, I suggest you drink lime juice- it helps with the headaches, forgetfulness, diarhhea and fevers. Also, I hear it clears your mind, makes you able to think better. As a bonus, it's good for your skin~ It's also quite sour, so use sugar.

;_; It really makes me sad to hear you being so unhappy. I hope my idea helps somewhat. Good luck on those tests!

Also, yes, I like those shoes.

At 17 de octubre de 2010, 13:16, Blogger steak said........
awww man hope you get better. I hate when doctors are like ow it's this, when it's obviously not. Like remember when I couldn't sleep or eat for a week, the doctor was all "it's stress quickquick take these pills."

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 2:49, Blogger Gadriann said........
FFFF I love that shoes and i love this new layout. Feels all teen punky and stuff. :D
And man sorry to hear about that stomachache, my bro had that once from drinking water. Insane, really. I don't have any good advice but drink lots of water I guess. And get lots of rest, who cares what people think about you being whiny bitch, you deserve the rest from being sick. And can't you postpone your exam or something? At least until you feel a whole lots better?

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 8:35, Blogger Andres said........
Sharifah: Wow, I kind of understand what you mean actually. It sounds kind of like, when someone is wishing some sort of evil on you, like a "mal puesto". Well, that's what we call a curse over here, and we believe it happens when bad, evil things keep happening to someone. I don't know, but in the apartment behind us, this woman found a "mal puesto" hidden in her wall and it had these really horrible curses and evil on it, and bad things kept happening to her, so perhaps you are right in the end about it. I believe it, though I can't imagine who it could be. Do you think it could be someone over the internet??

Thank you for the suggestions by the way! *hugs* I feel a lot better now, and I had NO idea about the lime juice.

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 8:50, Blogger Andres said........
Steak: Yeah, seriously! Sometimes I don't trust doctors because they just try to weed the money out of you. I mean, I still don't believe you just had "stress". Your symptoms sounded pretty severe. I mean, I have been super stressed out and seen others super stressed out before and nothing ever happened like that. But, if the pills were supposed to help you, I really hope it worked.

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 8:52, Blogger Andres said........
Gadriann: NJBSFDNBD thank you! ;A; I was actually thinking of remodeling it AGAIN because I wasn't sure about these girly flowers anymore o__o I mean, I like vintage looking stuff, but I think this is just TOO much. I need something less...you know lol.

Is the water not safe to drink over there? I was starting to think that might have been the case with me, but I never drink water out of a faucet or anything, and nobody else in my house got sick, so I don't know. I guess my room mate made something and got me sick. Or someone didn't wash their hands! We share a lot of food around here OTL I think I'll do fine on my exam though. Despite being sick, I still studied my ass off and I feel pretty confident now. WISH ME LUCK!

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 18:47, Blogger steak said........
I'm just going to say they worked cuz w/e was wrong is better ish. I think it's poor diet, since I buy really cheap food. Or like live off yogurt and cereal for a few weeks XD

At 18 de octubre de 2010, 21:55, Blogger Maria said........
Shit, that sounds serious. The pain! Did you die? I hope you didn't die. I don't know if I could trust a zombie.

Either way, I'm guessing you feel better by now(???) So that's good. I'm happy for you. Unless you are a zombie after all.

Stay the fuck away from my flesh, undead.

. . . We can still be friends, though. There is no love lost here. Just, y'know. My flesh. Stay away from it.

At 19 de octubre de 2010, 5:51, Blogger Gadriann said........
lol, don't change! It's awesome as it is. It looks better than my blog anyway. And I actually stole all your star theme and put it in mine, if you've noticed all the stars I put here and there. ;p Hehe
The water is safe actually, I think it's just not his luck that day. Doctor said he got food poisoning but considering he drank at a hawker stall, it's much expected. =____=;;
If you share food, you should really put a sign "WASH YOUR HANDS DAMMIT" there, haha. XD But I read sharifah's comment and it might probably be someone wanting bad stuff on you though. For us it's a common thing to get all this stuff going on, so gotta be careful. But who would wanna do this to you?? ;___;
AND YES MUCH LUCK TO YOU!!! I bet you can easily ace it, haha. ;D

At 19 de octubre de 2010, 7:39, Blogger Andres said........
Steak: Maybe YOU got food poisoning then! You just don't know it yet lol. I have a very poor diet as well, just recently I started eating more vegetables because to be honest with you, I'm kind of concerned for my health. I think I eat way too much sweets, and it's something I have to watch out for, especially since diabetes runs in my family o__o

At 19 de octubre de 2010, 7:41, Blogger Andres said........
Maria: DUDE, how long have you been following me!? I wasn't even notified of this! But, welcome to my blog, bro. I'm glad you found me and now we can be tizz ight and all that...despite out differences.

You're not normal either you know T_T I know you're secretly a werewolf. That's why I talk to you, so I can gain more knowledge about your species.

At 19 de octubre de 2010, 7:45, Blogger Andres said........
Pffft what are you talkin about!? Your site looks GREAT just as it is. How did you get the stars though? Did you just get the link image or something? I thought it looked familiar when I went to check it out yesterday XD But, it looks nice. I like all the new profile information you added. For some reason, I can never think of cool profile stuff to say without sounding all typical about it o__-

Has someone ever wished something bad on you like that before? It's kind of common over here as well. There are a lot of people who like, practice black magic and stuff. I mean, it might sound bizarre and stuff, but some people actually worship the God of Death and carry him on their necks and stuff. It's kind of weird. There was this girl at my job who wanted me to draw a picture of it for her because she wears it all the time, but I refused because I can't draw something so strictly against my beliefs you know! I would feel bad.

At 19 de octubre de 2010, 15:34, Blogger Maria said........
Like hell I'm a werewolf, you . . . you . . . YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING. =3=

Nah dude, I just got an account here like yesterday afternoon. For commenting purposes. Before I knew you didn't actually have to have an account here to comment, pfff. Dunno if I'll actually use the blog or not. Probably. Idk.

That said, I seriously dislike the comment system here. Bleh.

At 20 de octubre de 2010, 7:44, Blogger Andres said........
Well you should use the blog system home dawg, what are you? YOU THINK YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR IT OR SOMETHING? IS THAT IT? YOU WANNA START SOMETHIN HERE OR WUT? I'm a be up in yo grill in the next 5 minutes.

also, I don't really like the comment system either. T_T Maybe we are too conditioned to Deviantart and TheO that we are just so used to it. I am pretty sure some people out there are like, so used to this blogger stuff. That's just it man, we're so net spoiled.