jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

I'm just getting over from being sick and I was PISSED because they didn't give me a proper break even though I asked for one during my shift. They waited until the last 10 minutes of my shift to give me one, so I was pretty upset about that. But the good thing was, I didn't have to report back to my post, I just left that joint and I was lucky and David and Chris gave me a short ride. They were horse playing with each other and I didn't even realize it until they called my name for like, the 3rd time. I don't know, I guess I was just out of it. Anger can do that to you sometimes you know?

I also discovered my new favorite show next to The House of Five Leaves. it's called the Diary of Tortov Roddle. Have you ever heard of it?? I was VERY pleased to find this extremely inspiring to me. Check it out if you have time, but I don't know if you'll like it or not



Andres at 19:30 |


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At 12 de agosto de 2010, 23:57, Blogger kogane said........
It sounds horrible how you're still sick. Though the weekend is coming along, so at least you can have some breathing time then? ;<

Maybe I'm a sucker for purple, but I like the pictures that you drew. They have an oddly somber feel to them that seems a little more mellow and softer than your pieces.

Ah and, I just finished watching The Diary of Tortov Roddle. All I can say is... wow. Though the last bit with the lady and the flower oddly reminded me of my parents which sort of ruined the whole dynamic there. /sigh/ They're dorkiness ruins everything. ;n;

At 13 de agosto de 2010, 8:12, Blogger Gadriann said........
I have never heard of any of the shows you just mentioned. @w@ Are they really good? I'd wanna pick up something to watch in my spare time.

Ugghh last minute decision is really annoying, can't you just not go to work that day and submit a medical slip the next day instead of waiting till the last minute of waiting for their decision? I don't know how the system works over there but we usually do it like that over here. @__@ Anger is dangerous... it kinda blinds us and our decision you know? It scares me when anger takes over, lol. XD

At 13 de agosto de 2010, 10:11, Blogger Andres said........
Kogane: Pffft the weekend is the WORST! That's what starts everything up all over again. But I think I'll be fine. In fact, I gave it to someone else instead, so now while I'm getting better they are the one that's suffering. Hah hah hah but that's what they get for hanging around me so much. Nah just kidding, I wouldn't wish sickness upon anyonem ESPECIALLY heartburn, because heartburn is a bitch.

I knew I could count on you to watch Tortov Roddle! I knew I could count on you hah hah. I think his giant pig surprised me the most, and my favorite part was when the bear came over because it smelled his soup XD Why did you get reminded of your parents though? Do they resemble them or something??I have never seen that show anywhere else before until now, so I don't know where it came from. It must have been DESTINY!

At 13 de agosto de 2010, 10:14, Blogger Andres said........
Gadriann: To tell you the truth, I don't know if you would really like Tortov Roddle, zha zha OTL I really DON'T. I mean, it's very artsy and awesome and the music is VERY relaxing. Like, I get the same relaxed feeling as when I listen to ambient music or indie rock. It was so bizarre, and then I watched it while I was exercising on top of that, so I don't know what the deal was, but heck I reccommend it, if you have the time. It's only 16 minutes.

Well, last Sunday I called in and had someone cover my shift. Normally, I refuse to call in sick or go in even under the worst days, because I really need the money and I can't afford to miss a day, but the other day I had a fever and couldn't go in, especially when it was so busy. But, don't worry I'm feeling better now! I have more energy and my bones don't ache anymore either OTL

At 14 de agosto de 2010, 21:24, Blogger kogane said........
The cycle continues. And it all started because of my refusal to use hand sanitizer. ;n; But still, I hope best wishes to the both of you for a quick and speedy recovery and many free gift oranges.

My dad had a habit of buying my mom flowers and before any of the flowers wilted (if they ever did), she'd pick the pedals or the flower and put it in her bible. Now her bible smells of lavender and fresco and those flattened flowers are quite pretty. Though the way my mom talks about dad being romantic is so dorky and old-people-y. P:

At 15 de agosto de 2010, 8:00, Blogger Gadriann said........
lol, okay, if you recommend it highly, I'll try to track it down in the interwebs Xp hehe. I rarely listen to indie rock but if it's as relaxing as ambient music, I'll definitely take a look at it. :)

Yaaayy~ It's good to know you're feeling better now, I'm just afraid if you push yourself too hard, you'll get worse you know? It's like some people saying that if you have the flu, go out and exercise. Sometimes that's just gonna worsen it. >___<

At 16 de agosto de 2010, 14:11, Blogger PunchMe said........
LOL I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's seen this =u=~ because it's just. so. fricken. bizzare and just plain intriguing to watch but anyhoodles
If I were placed in your shoes I would have felt exactly the same but I'm glad you haven't done anything rash, I mean I tear things up when I'm mad or take it out on others haha;; atleast you've had the weekend to rest on anyways :) I hope everythings going all right for you <3

At 17 de agosto de 2010, 11:32, Blogger Andres said........
Sophie: You have seen this before?? Why am I NOT surprised? hah hah hah seriously, you were the first one I expected to hear this from. I'm glad we have the same tastes in shows though, it makes me know that I was wise in choosing you as a friend. Lol just kidding
but yeah, I felt like drawing fanart of that guy, I just haven't had the time or motivation...or energy lately. I dunno, I wish I could get some motivation out of me, but it's just not happening lately OTL