martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

alright, I'll get around to updates soon, but I haven't been online in a few days because I haven't been doing so well. I also have to go to class in half an hour. Today is my first day at school, I am just sitting here in the computer lab watching the minutes tick by and I hope I am not going to be stuck with a bunch of imbeciles. They say people mature when you get to college, but there are always those sticklers that stay around and cause a nuisance to everyone and everything. Last semester I got stuck to this girl who didn't even try. I really saw potential in that girl, but she kept using her ADHD as an excuse for everything and I knew that even though she had ADHD, that shouldn't have kept her down.

About two days ago...oh it was yesterday... the day before yesterday, I fainted. Like, literally just fainted right there. On Sunday I was feeling REALLY under the weather. I was getting cold chills, my knees were shaking, I had a headache, I was feeling nauseous and woozy and I was at work and thought I wasn't going to make it, and then I got home late at night and went to bed. I was starving, but felt too sick to eat so I ignored it, and then I woke up about 3 times feeling the same with no relief. I felt like my world was spinning and like I had no control of my body. My bones hurt so bad, I felt this shooting pain up my legs and and I kept drinking water and feeling starving but too sick to eat. Then I woke up for the last time because I had to go into work and my vision started getting blurry. I tried reaching for some water, and drank some and I felt fine for a few seconds. Then, I was walking back to my room to lay down for a few more seconds and I felt the world spin around me, my vision turned black, I hit my head against something and then I woke up a few seconds later and I was laying on the ground. The only way I knew I was on the ground was because I felt my body against the cold floor and my head was hurting and for some reason the pain felt relieving and I felt a little better, but then my room mate came in and got so scared. He was like, "what happened!?" and helped me up and stuff like that

But, I got up and my bones were killing me, but I knew I had to go into work anyways. It was a pretty bad day and then yesterday my neck was KILLING me. Probably from the fall or something, but I couldn't turn my head without even cringing. I just played video games all day since I had a day off, but on Sunday when I had to go into work, I felt horrible because they sent me home after 2 hours. I told them I could stay my entire shift and they still made me leave. I don't know why, but I felt horribly ashamed, the same feeling someone would get if they were publicly humiliated. I feel like they won't think the same of me anymore, and now I have to prove myself all over again. I am going in today, and I keep waking up with the same fear that I'm going to faint again...something like that had never happened to me before...and I'm sorry for the long post...I don't think anyone even read this, but heck I need to get it out...because the real world just doesn't want to listen to your problems.

Etiquetas: ,

Andres at 9:00 |


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At 17 de agosto de 2010, 21:16, Blogger lacrimode said........
Are you eating enough? That could be a reason for your troubles... I'm sorry you're being afflicted with all these different things. :-(

There's only one time in my life that I almost fainted and that was the time I took a really really REALLLY hot shower. I was cookin' myself lol.

At 17 de agosto de 2010, 21:55, Blogger lead_lungs said........
i'm sorry about your health
i really hope you feel better soon
and also good luck at school
hopefully that goes well for you :]

and that's an adorable drawing of sasuke by the way ;u;

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 8:07, Blogger Andres said........
Mesca: I think the problem was not eating right and then on top of that I was standing in the sun for about 2 hours. I always stand in the sun for too long and I think I might have been dehydrated as well because although I did drink a bottle of water afterwards, I didn't drink enough for the rest of the night? AGH i don't know!! All I know is that I don't want it to happen again

and what the heck were you thinking taking a shower THAT hot? lol

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 8:09, Blogger Andres said........
Lungs: Thanks, school was alright. It was crazy because I met someone from work at my school and we ended up being in the same class together. I was like, what are you serious? I couldn't believe it was happening for a second, but I guess it was a good way to break the ice on the first day you know?

thanks about the drawing btw. It's REALLY old. I think I drew it sometime last year, like in the beginning of last year or something, but I still have it lying around, so what the heck, I might as well post it here

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 9:11, Blogger carla said........
ahh, seems like you're having a rough week ):
and your classes have started already? ergh, that sucks.
I can understand the weather stuff. maybe that's what is affecting you so much. summer/hot weather always makes me weaker.

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 13:03, Blogger PunchMe said........
The start of school is always rough and awkrard, especially if you don't know anyone but over time things always gets better usually or normally the teachers just chuck the imbecilles out :)
but anyways, by the sounds of it last week had been pretty rough on you with the illness so it might be stress from that and the fact that you're about to start school. The way you described it sounds a whole lot scarier though, when I was a kid I made myself faint constantly by holding my breath but it's not the same as how you descibed it--it's really strange
You need to go see a doctor mate because something like that might be a sign of something else starting ;a; just to make sure

I'm sounding like a mother hen again sorry ;;

p.s all your buttons are in Spanish lol

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 13:04, Blogger PunchMe said........
also that is the cutest little Sasuke I've ever laid eyes on eue hurrrr

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 17:13, Blogger Andres said........
Carla: Yeah, I'm actually just about to go to my math class right now...well in 2 hours hah hah hah. I've been here all day, but I don't really mind because at least in here there is air conditioning. At my house we don't have AC, so I'm pretty much screwed and it gets REALLY really hot, nobody likes hanging out there this time of year.

I think you're right about the heat though. Because it said that it could be caused from a duration of time and stuff, and I do tend to spend long amounts of time in the sun, and then I exercise very vigorously afterwards. But, it does kind of scare me, because stuff like this can lead to strokes and stuff. o__o

At 18 de agosto de 2010, 17:16, Blogger Andres said........
Sophie: You know, I REALLY hope they chuck the imbeciles out. Last semester in math there were so many of them, it almost made me wonder what they were doing there in the first place you know? I myself take school very seriously, sometimes I think I have less tolerance than the teachers lol, but I'm a very picky person and get annoyed easily by immaturity and stuff like that, you know what I'm saying?

Oh my gosh, you would actually make yourself faint!? Why did you do that??? I have never heard of anyone doing that to themselves lol, seriously, never heard of anything like that in my entire life. I have never fainted before, but even today I feel light headed and I don't know why. I think I fainted from the heat and not eating right. I pretty much did everything a person is NOT supposed to do, and I had been standing in the heat for a few days straight, probably not drinking enough water and what not, but I'm seriously thinking of seeing a doctor, though whenever I go, it seems to be a waste of time, and they always end up telling me it's nothing. I don't want to waste my money, but I was also reading about fainting and stuff, and they said that it could lead to stroke and stuff, and THAT kind of scares me.

oh and thanks for thinking the sasuke picture is cute!! <3 it's VERY old