jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

I made some avatars out of my friends pictures! I was so bored yesterday so I asked them if I could just do it. Don't be alarmed if one day I creep on to your DA page and ask to make avatars out of your pictures!

I was bored during math class again, so I wrote some lame poems that I know aren't great, but I thought I'd write them here anyway. Man, why can't I get into math this semester? I'm just totally not feelin it. The teacher has started acting better, but I think I'm the one whose the problem. I know I have to go to visit the tutor...but I don't know. I'm just not motivated at all lately.

Factor the slacker
show up at my doorstep
and knock
knock with your knuckles
and cry
for I won't open
if you smile.
Perhaps the clover brings luck
with it's black magic
it's powerful heritage
the way it collects dew
always lurking behind her
like a child
it's luck has run out
oh it clings to it's mother
tears everywhere
luck is gone
bad luck
there will be no tragedy
the luck sleeps
wake it up

Andres at 8:07 |


Publicar un comentario

At 28 de octubre de 2010, 10:04, Blogger Sharifah said........
I.. don't understand poetry at all, I don't even know why I bother studying them sometimes. So I can't give commentary on that, sadly. orz

Oh, my my, Andi, I believe you have caught a case of depression. It's one of many post-traumatic effects. I think you need a day off to just relax and get a massage or something. Eat healthily, ya hear?